Pelvic Floor Survey

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Do you have urine leakage when coughing, laughing, sneezing, or lifting something heavy? (Even a few drops of leakage are significant)
Do you have urine leakage associated with urgency?
Do you have difficulty or incomplete emptying of bladder?
Do you have difficulty or incomplete emptying of rectum?
Do you wake up more than twice/night to urinate?
Do you have a feeling of fullness in vaginal area?
Do you have a feeling of fullness in rectum?
Do you have straining or pain with bowel movements?
Chronic Constipation?
Do you have stool leakage of any kind?
Do you have urgency associated with bowel movements?
Do you have involuntary loss of gas?
Do you have loss of urine, stool, or gas with intercourse?
Are your bladder or bowel control issues causing you to feel nervous, frustrated, or depressed?
Has loss of bladder or bowel control affected your lifestyle?
Do you have decreased sexual desire?
Do you have pain with intercourse?
Do you have chronic pelvic pain?
Do you have vaginal dryness?

If you answer YES to one or more of these questions, you may be experiencing pelvic problems that are very treatable. A Pelvic Floor PT Specialist is available to talk to you privately about your options.