TMJ Disorder and Pain

TMJ Disorder and Pain


An estimated 75% of the U.S. population have experienced signs or symptoms associated with disorders involving the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), also called Temporal Mandibular Disorder (TMD).

TMJ Symptoms
  • Headaches
  • Earaches, hearing loss
  • Tooth pain
  • Pain when chewing
  • Clicking, popping or grating sounds
  • Limited opening or closing of jaw
  • Dizziness
  • Facial pain or numbness
  • Neck or throat pain

Physical Therapy is well recognized as an effective and conservative treatment for TMD.

Freedom is proud to feature specialists who received training and certification from Dr. Mariano Rocabado and the University of St. Augustine. Dr. Mariano Rocabado is a leading international expert in the field of TMD and Craniofacial Pain. In addition, our specialists have attended an Orofacial Pain and TMD residencies with the University of Minnesota Dental School.

Physical Therapy and its approach to treating Temporomandibular Disorders and Disc Displacements (video)

Click the video below to learn what Physical Therapy can do to help TMJ problems including close lock and non-reducing disc disorders. Learn why seeking the right therapist with advanced training and credentials is important.

YouTube video

For more information TMJ, please visit:


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Our TMJ Treatment Specialists
