Charlie Coenen


Articles By Charlie

Charlie is from Little Chute, Wisconsin, and received a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, a Bachelor of Art in Spanish, and his Doctor of Physical Therapy from Carroll University.

Movement has always been important to Charlie. He grew up playing soccer and transitioned to running in recent years. He enjoys long-distance running and competing in road races or ultra-marathons, among other recreational sports.

To Charlie and his practice, it is important to get to know his patients. Establishing rapport and building a therapeutic alliance will enhance the patient’s experience. He considers his patient’s goals and current research when making decisions. Charlie uses a multimodal approach that includes manual therapy, exercise, and education with his patients. Being skilled in multiple realms ensures he can deliver what his patient needs most. He likes to teach habits that promote independence and enable patients to be in control of their health for the short and long term.

Charlie enjoys working with any person who comes through the door but has a special interest in working with endurance athletes, such as runners. The hands-on experience has taught him to use 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional gait analysis, which he uses to analyze running biomechanics and individualize his approach to therapy. He is also certified as a run coach through RunDNA and enjoys coaching individual athletes when he is not in the clinic. Within the clinic, this certification helps him bridge the gap between injury and a return to full performance or beyond. It also allows him to treat athletes with a holistic approach that promotes sustainable and healthy running habits.