360 Breathing and Pregnancy

            Pregnancy is a time of incredible change and growth for a woman’s body. As a woman’s uterus expands and her baby grows, her body must adapt to support the increased weight and changed center of gravity. With all these changes happening, it is no wonder that many women experience discomfort and pain during pregnancy. Learn how 360 breathing and pregnancy can ease your pregnancy symptoms.

PT and Pregnancy

One way to alleviate some of these discomforts and support the body during pregnancy is through physical therapy. Physical therapy during pregnancy can help to strengthen and stabilize the body, improve posture and alignment, and reduce pain and discomfort. One important aspect of physical therapy during pregnancy is 360 breathing. 360 breathing is a technique that involves breathing deeply into the diaphragm, expanding the ribcage and back, and filling the lungs. This type of breathing helps to strengthen the core muscles, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles, all of which are important for supporting the growing uterus and baby during pregnancy.

Body Changes During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the uterus expands and pushes up against the diaphragm and ribs, which can make it difficult to breathe deeply. This can lead to shallow breathing, which in turn can cause tension in the neck, shoulders, and back, and contribute to pain and discomfort. By practicing 360 breathing, women can improve their lung capacity, improve circulation, and reduce tension in the body. In addition to the physical benefits of 360 breathing, there are emotional and mental benefits. Deep breathing can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. This can be particularly beneficial during pregnancy when hormones shift and emotions can be heightened.

Benefits of 360 Breathing

One of the key benefits of 360 breathing during pregnancy is that it can help to improve posture and alignment. As the baby grows, the center of gravity shifts forward, causing the pelvis to tilt and the spine to curve. This can lead to low back pain, hip pain, and other discomforts. By practicing 360 breathing, women can strengthen their core muscles, improve their posture, and support the spine and pelvis. Another important benefit of 360 breathing during pregnancy is that it can help to prepare the body for labor and delivery. Labor can be physically demanding, requiring stamina, strength, and endurance. By practicing 360 breathing, women can improve their lung capacity, increase their oxygen intake, and build their respiratory muscles, all of which can help to support them during labor and delivery.

In conclusion, 360 breathing is an important technique that can benefit women during pregnancy. From improving posture and alignment to reducing pain and discomfort, enhancing emotional well-being to preparing for labor and delivery, 360 breathing can be a valuable tool for supporting the body and mind during this transformative time. For pregnant women looking to enhance their physical and emotional well-being, consider incorporating 360 breathing into your daily routine. Your body and your baby will thank you!

Rachel graduated with honors from Concordia University Wisconsin in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology and in 2017 with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. At Concordia, Rachel had the opportunity to take advanced coursework in manual therapy and sport specific training.