4 Ways to Reduce Headaches

Girl finding ways to reduce headaches

Headaches are a common problem that affects a large portion of the population. It’s not always easy to find a solution, and relying on pain medication can cause problems long term, not to mention side effects. We asked four headache specialists at Freedom Physical Therapy Services for ways to reduce headaches symptoms until you visit a therapist to treat your pain long term. Consider these temporary solutions:

1. Get A Good Night Sleep

Make sure to get enough quality and quantity sleep. This is the time your body needs to reset and heal. – Mike Verplancke, DPT, CSCS, CMTPT

2. Unplug

Limit your time on the computer and other portable devices. These electronics can put additional strain on your eyes and depending on where you use them, can contribute to poor posture. – Pete Balik, PT

3. Move

Try to avoid prolonged static positions. Make sure to move both your arms and legs throughout the day. -Mike Karegeannes, PT, MHSc, LAT,MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT

4. Relax

Make time for yourself. Find ways to release tension and stress through reading, meditating, yoga or exercise. – Todd Pratte, PT, MTC, CMTPT


Find A Therapist To Treat Headaches Long Term

If all else fails, or if you are tired of stop gap treatments, come see one of our trusted headache specialists today!



Chronic Pain

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