Discover the Value of Physical Therapy

Discover the Value of Physical Therapy

Discover the Value of Physical Therapy

Quality of Life

Investing in physical therapy is a commitment to a fuller life with more freedom. Long-term benefits include: returning range of motion, improving flexibility, balance, strength, and mobility to recover from an injury. Other long term benefits resume meaningful activities, and prevent future injuries. These and other benefits can avoid invasive steroid injections or surgery and reduce the risk of opioid addiction.  In this blog, discover the true value of Physical Therapy services.

Physical therapy is proven to help patients overcome injuries through thoughtful treatments and personalized plans of care.  We work to improve the quality of life of our patients by improving not only your physical condition but also self-confidence. Physical Therapy can help a patient return to specific tasks that are important to them.

Tangible Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapists provide tangible benefits to their patients that are long-lasting. They are focused on returning the patient to activities and the quality of life they had before their injury. Patients receive a treatment plan to overcome their injury, not to live with it. Patients find this to be invaluable as they can move on with their lives and not be dependent on repeated visits for treatment. 

The APTA has posted a report that uses conservative models to calculate the true value of an intervention and its impact on quality of life on 8 conditions that were analyzed with an average net benefit of PT services per episode of care. The conditions and their average net benefit include Osteoarthritis (knee) $13,981, carpal tunnel syndrome $39,533, low back pain $4,160, stress urinary incontinence $10,129, lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) $10,739, vascular claudication $24,125, fall prevention $ 2,144, and cancer rehab $3,514. The report demonstrates that where medically appropriate, more widespread use of select PT services would bring better health and economic benefits to the US healthcare system.

Obtaining Desired Lifestyle

Injuries happen for a variety of reasons, however, an active lifestyle is a frequent contributor. While people understand that actions have consequences, everyone wants to return to the activities that make them happy. Physical therapy programs consider the activities and abilities of the patient when creating a treatment plan of care. Manual tools include mobilization, manipulation, massage, and modalities to reduce pain, spasming, or trigger points.

Physical therapy may include manual treatments as part of the overall treatment plan. In addition, it will also incorporate cardio challenges, stretch exercises, strength building, and endurance training to return a patient to the activities they desire. In many cases, the patient may be in better physical condition after therapy than they were when they began. Time spent in therapy expedites overall recovery paving the way to resume activities.

Education and continued self-improvement

A key benefit to physical therapy is the education offered and the physical conditioning the patient receives from a home exercise program. After therapy, patients use this knowledge to progress through personal training programs to continue to improve their strength and quality of life. 

Here at Freedom Physical Therapy Services, we focus on the helping you to achieve your goals and allowing you to return to ENJOYING MORE FREEDOM.




One comment

  1. Some physical therapy tactics can help improve your quality of life. Thanks for sharing this great insight and making it easier to understand the value of physical therapy.