HIT-6 Headache Impact Test


What is HIT?

HIT, no not High Intensity Training, but the Headache Impact Test, is a tool to measure the impact
headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home and in social situations. Your
score shows the effect that headaches have on daily life and your ability to function. This
questionnaire was designed to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you
cannot do because of headaches.

Take the HIT-6 Headache Impact Test

Take the Headache Impact Test and if you have a score of 50 or higher you should schedule an assessment with one our physical therapists at any of our locations. If your test score is under 50, retake the test periodically and if your score goes up, come in for an assessment. As I always say, “a little problem usually requires a little fix, a big problem requires a big fix” so let’s catch things early and provide you the tools necessary to manage or eliminate your headaches and TMJ pain. If you really want to focus on prevention, almost all of us need posture work and that is one of the areas Freedom Physical Therapy Services excels in!

HIT-6™ Headache Impact Test

Chronic Pain TMJ

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