How Prepping for Joint Replacement Boosts Recovery

How Prepping for Joint Replacement Boosts Recovery 

How Prepping for Joint Replacement Boosts Recovery

Preparing for surgery, often referred to asprehabilitationorprehab,can significantly enhance recovery outcomes. Prehab focuses on strengthening the muscles around the surgical area, which helps maintain function and supports faster recovery post-surgery. The muscles that are used after surgery to function are the same muscles used before. Get ahead of your post-surgical rehab and train the body before you are limited by surgical pain. Engaging in exercises that enhance joint mobility before surgery can reduce post-operative stiffness, making it easier to move after the procedure. Every post-operative physical therapy case will have a goal to meet a specific ROM measure to meet the functional demands of life. Learn how prepping for joint replacement boosts recovery.

Prehab improves circulation, lung function, and overall cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of blood clots, infections, and other complications. Patients who participate in prehab tend to regain independence and return to their daily activities sooner than those who don’tLearning pain-relief techniques and strategies before surgery can help manage discomfort more effectively post-op. Research shows that patients, especially older adults, who prepare for surgery through prehab experience meaningful improvements in their quality of life and spend less time in the hospital. 

 What to Expect  

A physical therapist will assess your current physical status including strength, flexibility, movement patterns, and vitals. Goals will be set with consideration of hobbies to return to, functional limitations experienced, and the upcoming surgery that will be performed. Based on the findings, a personalized plan will be set up to work on impairments identified up until the date of surgery. During this personalized plan of care, treatment sessions will be attended to progress toward preoperative goals, and a home exercise program will be provided to address areas independently. 

When – by appointment  

It is recommended to initiateprehab4-8 weeks before surgery to optimize post-surgical outcomes. Call Freedom Physical Therapy Services once your surgery date is scheduled.


Prehabilitation appointments will take place at the desired outpatient physical therapy setting of your choosing. It is your right to select where you want to receive physical therapy services.


Freedom Physical Therapy in Brookfield is offering a FREE initial evaluation forprehabepisodes of care. Each treatment session that follows will be billed through insurance. Freedom does offer cash pay option plans. 


    1. We’re here for you every step of the way. After preparing you for surgery, we’re here to help with recovery, too. 
    2. Here’s our guide to getting through a joint replacement 

Call us to reserve your spot today.

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