Freedom2Function PICS Program

Post-Intensive Care Syndrome

Post-intensive care syndrome, or PICS, is made up of health problems that remain after critical illness or hospitalization. They are present when the patient is in the ICU and may persist after the patient returns home. These problems can involve the patient’s body, thoughts, feelings, or mind and may affect the family.


Our Freedom2Function PICS protocol and program are for patients who have become deconditioned, lost functional capabilities, and want to regain their lives. Our program utilizes a hands-on, individualized, one-on-one care approach that can help ensure that you or your loved one can return to prior levels of function.

The Freedom2Function protocol includes a thorough evaluation to determine lung function, strength, balance deficits, gait, stability, safety, and overall functional capabilities. Our multidisciplinary team works together to deliver solutions for each patient. Highly trained Physical and Occupational Therapists collaborate to blend the science of healing with the art of caring on multiple platforms, addressing every aspect of your diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Respiratory Failure
  • Pneumonia
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Falls
  • Burn
  • Motor Vehicle Accident
  • Poisoning
  • Surgical problems
  • Critical illness
  • Gunshot or stab wound
  • Premature Birth

Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Locations

Fox Point Clinic
Grafton Clinic

Our therapists who specialize in Post-Intensive Care Syndrome

Molly Rittberg
Molly Rittberg


Rachel Spaeth
Rachel Schraufnagel