5 Ways to Spend Your FSA Money for Physical Therapy Services

5 Ways to Spend Your FSA Money

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It is almost the end of the year, and the money you placed in your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) at the beginning of the year, needs to be spent. Why not spend your money on taking care of your health and wellbeing? This time of year brings increased stress and tension that can exacerbate your aches and pains. Here are 5 ways to spend your FSA money for Physical Therapy services this season.

Physical Therapy Session

If you haven’t hit your deductible for the year or if your co-pay or co-insurance is high with your current insurance plan, using your FSA to pay for Physical Therapy sessions is allowed. The self-pay options that Freedom PT offers are some of the lowest prices in the area when it comes to non-insurance options. Take advantage of addressing aches and pains before they become more chronic while using up your FSA.

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Therapeutic LASER therapy

If you haven’t tried therapeutic LASER therapy yet, you are missing out. Our therapeutic LASER therapy delivers energy that increases circulation, drawing oxygen and nutrients to the area. Therapeutic LASER aids in reducing inflammation and speeds recovery up in the cells. While you hear about using therapeutic LASER to treat injuries, LASER therapy can also help you recover after a workout. Our therapeutic LASER sessions are a great way to spend your FSA balance.

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Workout Equipment

When working with your Physical or Occupational Therapist, you use exercise equipment in our gyms that can be very beneficial. A great amount of that equipment, like resistance bands, balance boards, foam rollers, and stretching straps can be purchased using your FSA at the clinic. By equipping your home with the right therapy tools, you set yourself up for successful therapy outcomes and continued health and wellness once you complete therapy. You can continue to strengthen and stretch long after your treatment time is complete with your therapists.

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Durable Medical Equipment

Sometimes forgotten, but always something important to think about is durable medical equipment. Replace rundown and worn-out pieces on your cane or walker with new tips or walker wheels using your FSA funds. Grab bars, railings, elevated toilet seats, and shower chairs are also pieces of medical equipment that can be bought using your FSA. Prevent falls and improve your safety within your home with these pieces of equipment.

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If you didn’t know this already, you can use your FSA or HSA to pay your co-pays for Physical and Occupational Therapy treatment sessions. While we hope that you have been using your FSA to pay your co-pays all year if you haven’t now is the time to start.

These are just a few of the ways you can use your FSA/HSA at Freedom PT this year. Take advantage of the pre-tax savings and spend your Health Savings Account on self-care, maintaining your health and wellness, and preventing future injury. Let the team at Freedom PT help you take the first step to better health and wellness this year.



Injury Prevention

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