Author: Kyle Sampson

How Prepping for Joint Replacement Boosts Recovery 

How Prepping for Joint Replacement Boosts Recovery

How Prepping for Joint Replacement Boosts Recovery Preparing for surgery, often referred to as “prehabilitation” or “prehab,” can significantly enhance recovery outcomes. Prehab focuses on strengthening the muscles around the surgical area, which helps maintain function and supports faster recovery post-surgery. The muscles that are used after surgery to function are the same muscles used before. […]

Sports Medicine
Flexibility vs. Mobility: What’s the Difference? 

Flexibility vs. Mobility: What’s the Difference? 

Flexibility vs. Mobility: What’s the Difference? How are Flexibility and Mobility Different?   Flexibility and mobility are terms used to describe movement. Although they may be interchangeable in general conversations, they have significant differences. Flexibility focuses on the ability of soft tissue to passively stretch. Soft tissues are made up of muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue, all of which […]

Injury Prevention
Is Your Heart Healthy?

Is Your Heart Healthy?

Is Your Heart Healthy? February is the American Heart Month. With Valentine’s Day being the middle point in the month, let it be a reminder to take a few moments and reflect on your heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. It is […]
