Controlling Load and Volume of High School Pitchers

pitcher in game, focus on pitching load and volume to prevent injury

The WIAA in their infinite wisdom has moved summer baseball to spring. Anyone who is from the state of Wisconsin understands the challenges this presents. Weather aside, preparing your players to perform at their peak while keeping them healthy is the top priority for all coaches.

Prevent injuries with proper load and volume early.

Preseason training with proper load and volume on players arms is vital to not causing problems for the rest of the season. As eager as young players are for the upcoming year, managing number of reps early will pay dividends for the rest of the year. Special care should be taken especially with your pitching staff. Keep in mind that most high school players have secondary positions which only adds to the total volume and must be considered. Progressive loading and volume with low reps, reduced intensity, and shorter distance should be the starting point. Focus on proper mechanics through specific drills and stabilization of the rotator cuff, scapula, trunk, and hips should be a priority and a part of every preseason training session.

Use a strong foundation to transition training phases.

After a strong foundation is established then start a throwing program. Educate your players to listen to their bodies and adjust accordingly depending on response. Every program should be a detailed outline of dynamic warm-up, mechanical drills, stabilization and conditioning, progressive throwing program, and post arm care. Establish a routine and emphasize the importance of every aspect, not taking short cuts and being disciplined will help in a healthy and productive season. Overuse injuries are a confidence and performance killer. Keep an open dialogue with your players and keep them healthy. Quality is more important the quantity.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a therapist specializing in baseball, contact us here.

Sports Medicine

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