Freedom Physical Therapy Approaches TMJ Treatment Differently

TMJ treatment

Freedom Physical Therapy Services has a different approach to TMJ treatment. There are three main reasons why our approach sets us apart.

Specialized Training

Our therapists trained in treating TMJ/TMD, craniofacial pain, orofacial pain, cervical pain, and headaches haveĀ greater specialty training and credentials than any other clinic in Wisconsin, and only a few therapists in the USA can compare to our depth of knowledge and credentials.

Healthcare Connections

We have developed a network of independent multidisciplinary healthcare professionals to which we refer our TMJ clients and work in collaboration with to help our patients achieve the best possible outcomes. We provide the most conservative, reversible approach to care to help our patients treat the symptoms of TMJ with the least amount of adverse effects.

Specialists To Treat The Whole Body With A Focus On You

It is not uncommon for patients with TMJ pain to also experience other chronic overlapping pain conditions, such as low back pain, pelvic pain, GI issues, headaches, and migraines. As a result, within Freedom Physical Therapy we have other therapists very skilled in their abilities to treat these complex, multifaceted patient cases. Therefore, we can provide a very comprehensive, whole-body approach to healing our patients.



  1. I found your video of a TMJ demo and I am looking for a model just like the one you used but can’t find one that has all the parts that I need for my PT students (love the disc that moves and has attachments). Any idea you could give me about how to find one?
    Thanks very much!