Get Rid of Back Pain

cartoon of man lifting a box

How to Get Rid of Back Pain

Recurring back pain resulting from improper body mechanics can be prevented by avoiding movements that jolt or strain the back. They can also be prevented by maintaining correct posture and lifting objects properly. Many work-related injuries are caused or aggravated by stressors such as heavy lifting, contact stress (repeated or constant contact between soft body tissue and a hard or sharp object), vibration, repetitive motion, and awkward posture. Here are a few exercises that can help to strengthen your back and rid you of your back pain.

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Deadlifts to reduce repetitive motion injuries

This exercise focuses on the core, back, and lower extremity strength. The deadlift is an extremely beneficial exercise to help decrease the risk for back pain or injury when lifting or performing any activity where you forward bend (e.g. gardening/weeding, shoveling, vacuuming). Proper form is extremely important when performing a deadlift, so education prior to lifting weight with this exercise is crucial.


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deadlift proper form
Performing deadlifts can help reduce the risk of developing back pain from lifting and repetitive movements.


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Weight Hip Thrusts for posterior chain work

Similar to a deadlift, this exercise strengthens the posterior chain – muscles throughout the back (hamstrings, gluteal muscles, and spinal stabilizers). Emphasis on proper form is important for this exercise. An important note with this exercise is that the final degrees of hip extension (as seen in the photo below) is arguably the most beneficial portion of the exercise in regards to strengthening. This is due to maximum gluteal and spinal extensor strength required to complete the exercise.

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weight hip thrust
Weight hip thrust targets the back side of the body, helping to decrease your risk of back pain with repetitive lifting

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Bent over rows for upper back strength

This exercise is performed with a bar or hand weights and is extremely beneficial in improving upper, mid, and lower back strength. Along with strengthening, this exercise engages the posterior chain muscles. Bent over rows work well in conjunction with deadlifts to help strengthen the shoulder/shoulder blade area all the way down to the lower back and legs.

bent over rows
Bent over rows help strengthen upper back muscles making them less likely to cause pain with movement.


These three exercises, if able to be done pain-free and with proper form, are all excellent options for anyone looking to decrease their risk for injury with bending and lifting. For any questions regarding the form, frequency and intensity contact your physical therapist.


Injury Prevention Spine Workplace Safety