Self-Defense: When you need to strike an attacker

woman walking alone self-defense

If you or a loved one were physically attacked how would you respond? There is a lot of information on how to defend yourself in a physical attack but what really works and how effective can you be if you have no training.

My background in self-defense

A little background on myself in regards to training in the martial arts. I started training in 1988 when working with gang members in a wayward military camp outside of Reno, NV. We had multiple instructors certify staff in hand to hand techniques and weapon defense. My training continued to grow over the years in multiple disciplines which include judo-jujitsu, Kempo karate, taekwondo, Muay Thai kickboxing, and Son Soo Kung Fu. I presently hold a black belt in Son Soo Kung Fu. In all the years of training, I have been taught and used many different techniques and movements to defend myself in the real world, competition, and training.

If you fall under attack

In a fight, especially for your life, you need to act quickly and with devastation. You have to meet violence with more violence to end the attack. No matter the size or the strength of the attacker there are areas of the body you cannot defend and will cause a reaction when struck. Namely, the eyes and throat. When the eyes are struck the attacker’s head will snap back, the eyes will water occluding vision and allowing you more time to react and put the attacker on the defensive. The throat when struck will cause an immediate gag response with reflexive swallowing. If hit hard enough you can crush the trachea/windpipe leaving the attacker incapacitated. Striking to the eyes and throat can be accomplished with a finger jab, open hand, claw hand position, ridge hand, fist, or palm. Anything to slow the attack and change the momentum to your favor. Obviously, you should avoid the conflict in general through situational awareness and common sense. These techniques should be used when there are no other options and you find yourself or a loved one in a life-threatening situation. Your number one goal is to survive and get away. When instructing other people to defend themselves your mindset is so important. You HAVE to be able to become more violent than the attacker. Understand how not to be a victim, where to strike, and how to survive.

If you have any questions and would like to talk with me about self-defense, feel free to fill out a contact form and request my name at the Grafton location.


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