Category: Workplace Safety

Do you have an issue with your carpal tissue?

Do you Have an Issue with your Carpal Tissue?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common diagnosis that plagues millions of hands every year.  It falls under a class of diagnoses referred to as repetitive stress injuries which are injuries brought on or made worse by repetitive activities.  Some of these activities include writing, typing, and manipulating tools and/or machinery. How do you know […]

Injury Prevention, Occupational Therapy, Workplace Safety

The Dilemma with Sitting

If you sit in an office chair at work, chances are you experience stiffness, soreness and pain at times. The dilemma with sitting for any length of time is that your body isn’t in an ideal position for your joints and muscles. This sets you up for potential problems with your back, legs, shoulders, neck […]

Workplace Safety