Author: Freedom PT

Enjoy Holidays to their Fullest!

It’s that magical time of year again! The holidays are upon us, and for most of us it’s time to buy or make gifts and goodies, decorate the house, and partake in gatherings with friends and family. Although these are usually meaningful events that coincide with joys of the season, for many people these can […]

What Is A Concussion?

What Is A Concussion?

What Is A Concussion? A concussion is a brain injury that occurs when the brain is shaken inside the skull, causing changes to the brain’s chemistry and energy supply. A concussion might happen as a result of a direct blow to the head or an indirect force, such as whiplash. It may or may not […]

Sports Medicine

What Is Your Body Telling You?

“I’m falling apart!” is something I commonly hear when interviewing patients.  “After one thing is better a new one pops up!” is also a common complaint.  It may seem to many that their body is working against them.  In my experience, I’ve learned it’s often something deeper, a message regarding the health of the body as […]

Myofascial Release

The Dilemma with Sitting

If you sit in an office chair at work, chances are you experience stiffness, soreness and pain at times. The dilemma with sitting for any length of time is that your body isn’t in an ideal position for your joints and muscles. This sets you up for potential problems with your back, legs, shoulders, neck […]

Workplace Safety