Start Running Today

Start Running Today

Start Running Today Here in Wisconsin, our winter was mild,but it is still cold outside. The temperatures and winds outside don’t make it any more appetizing to think about going outside for a run. However, this doesn’t mean it is too early to start thinking about...
Why Suffer with Back Pain?

Why Suffer with Back Pain?

Why Suffer with Back Pain? Did you know that an estimated 580 million people have suffered from low back pain at least one time in their lifetime? Roughly 8 out of 10 people experience low back pain at least one time in their lifetime. I want to spend some time...
PT for the Jaw?

PT for the Jaw?

PT for the Jaw? One of the most common questions I have received from patients is, “Can Physical Therapy help my jaw pain?” The short answer is YES! The second question that shortly follows is, “How?” This answer is longer and not as easy to answer. Patients come to...
Picking the Right Workout for You

Picking the Right Workout for You

Picking the Right Workout for You There are so many varieties of cardiovascular exercise that people can choose to do to meet their health goals or needs. Low-intensity steady state (LISS) and high-intensity interval training (HITT) are two types frequently discussed....