
Sleep Enhances Athletic Performance

Sleep Enhances Athletic Performance

Athletes and Sleep Athletes must be sure they obtain the highest quality and quantity of sleep to ensure they are both performing and recovering well to enhance their future performance. It has been shown that lack of sleep has negative effects on nearly every facet of an athlete’s performance. Reaction times, cognitive ability, and injury […]

Sports Medicine
Stretching for Pelvic Pain

Stretching for Pelvic Pain

  Stretching for Pelvic Pain: Optimal Men’s Health Includes a Well-functioning Pelvic Floor Many people think that pelvic floor physical therapy is for just women after they have children to help them regain control over their bladder. While it is true that many women find improved control over their bladder with pelvic floor physical therapy, […]

Men's Health
Prevent Pickleball Injuries

Prevent Pickleball Injuries

  Prevent Pickleball Injuries Pickleball started in 1965 when three men from Bainbridge Island were trying to entertain their bored children with badminton and didn’t have the correct equipment. The men improvised using table tennis paddles and a perforated ball. As the weekend progressed, they made up rules and changed the height of the net. […]

Injury Prevention
Why Is My Hip Hurting?

Why Is My Hip Hurting?

It is almost summer here in Wisconsin! This means people are getting outside for activities like walking, running, biking, hiking, gardening, and swimming. Starting these activities again, you may notice an old injury that creeps to the surface or a new injury that arises. Since the weather has FINALLY turned in the right direction, I […]

Injury Prevention, Sports Medicine
Do I Keep Exercising?

Should I Keep Exercising?

Should I Keep Exercising? One of the biggest questions I have received from patients in the past few months as a physical therapist is, “Should I just rest and not do anything or should I continue to be active?” This question typically happens after an injury has occurred or there has been pain with a […]

Injury Prevention