Category: Injury Prevention

Prevent Pickleball Injuries

Prevent Pickleball Injuries

  Prevent Pickleball Injuries Pickleball started in 1965 when three men from Bainbridge Island were trying to entertain their bored children with badminton and didn’t have the correct equipment. The men improvised using table tennis paddles and a perforated ball. As the weekend progressed, they made up rules and changed the height of the net. […]

Injury Prevention
Why Is My Hip Hurting?

Why Is My Hip Hurting?

It is almost summer here in Wisconsin! This means people are getting outside for activities like walking, running, biking, hiking, gardening, and swimming. Starting these activities again, you may notice an old injury that creeps to the surface or a new injury that arises. Since the weather has FINALLY turned in the right direction, I […]

Injury Prevention, Sports Medicine