Don’t Get Hurt Shoveling

Don’t Get Hurt Shoveling

Ways to Reduce Injury Risk with Snow Shoveling Often with snow shoveling season comes an increase in new injuries or an exacerbation of old injuries. Most often, injuries can occur in the low back, shoulders, or legs due to the body not being prepared for the task at...
Dry Needling for Sciatica

Dry Needling for Sciatica

Dry needling for Sciatica. Is it worth trying? Sciatica can present in differing severity and intensity but is classified as nerve pain from any sort of injury, irritation, or pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is on average 2cm in diameter at its...
Benefits of Balance Training

Benefits of Balance Training

Benefits of Balance and Proprioceptive work  Compared to other forms of exercise, the amount of time dedicated to balance and proprioceptive training is significantly less. However, it is arguably just as (if not more) important for injury and fall prevention. No...
Should I Bother Stretching?

Should I Bother Stretching?

Should I Avoid Static Stretching Before Exercise? Many people, including myself, have memories of performing static stretches before athletic events, gym classes, or exercise sessions. The thought behind this was a hopeful improvement in muscle performance and a...