What are micro-workouts?
What are micro-workouts? Do you climb into bed at night and wish you had had more time in your day to get a workout in? Seven in ten Americans wish they had more time in the day to get in exercise. Research has found that the total duration of exercise is more...Importance of Video Analysis when Evaluating Pitching Mechanics
So perhaps you are a coach or parent with a child or children that participate in an overhead throwing sport. Maybe they’ve experienced throwing side pain or not, but are there indicators to help predict the likelihood of problems prior to an incident? The answer is yes.
Self-Defense: When you need to strike an attacker
Mike Ruppel has advanced training in self-defense. Understand how not to be a victim, where to strike, and how to survive.
Two key predictors of upper extremity pain with throwing athletes
So perhaps you are a coach or parent with a child or children that participate in an overhead throwing sport. Maybe they’ve experienced throwing side pain or not, but are there indicators to help predict the likelihood of problems prior to an incident? The answer is yes.