Headaches – Have You Tried This?
Can’t get rid of your headaches? Physical Therapist Todd Pratte shares actions you can take to reduce the prevalence and severity of headaches.
Can’t get rid of your headaches? Physical Therapist Todd Pratte shares actions you can take to reduce the prevalence and severity of headaches.
Chronic pain is the most common cause of long term disability. Here are some strategies to help prevent and manage chronic pain.
We asked four headache specialists at Freedom Physical Therapy Services for ways to reduce headaches symptoms until you visit a therapist to treat your pain long term.
The Headache Impact Test is a tool to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home, and in social situations. Your score shows the effect that headaches have on daily life and your ability to function.
Headaches are common among the general population and positively associated with several musculoskeletal disorders including temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The objective of this study was to explore the presence of possible confounders of the association between TMD and headaches.